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Welcome to Corab Academy

We invite you into a world of knowledge that will make you a better RES installer.


Heat pumps

EV chargers

Energy storage units

Opinions of participants

  • Dariusz Turek / Owner of company Etikon.pl

    We are most pleased to recommend the offer of Corab Academy. We use it whenever we hire new staff or there is something new on offer. The training courses are very substantive and delivered by experienced trainers.

  • Tomasz Pijarczyk / Board Member Bison Energy Sp. z o. o.

    The training courses held at the Corab Academy promote reliable workmanship and good installation practices, allow participants to familiarise themselves with technological and product innovations and obtain relevant qualifications and certificates. Our employees greatly appreciate the quality of the training provided, the range of knowledge presented and the competence of the lecturers.

  • Marek Brzozowski / Owner of company Elektro-Instalator

    The training was conducted very professionally using workshop techniques. Both the practice classes and the lectures were positively evaluated by our staff. The learning-friendly atmosphere of the training meant that the participants were encouraged to continue their successful work.